Genius™ 3D Mammography™

Why wouldn’t you choose the most accurate mammogram?

One out of every eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime, and those changes increase with age. Early detection is key to saving lives. In Salina, only Salina Regional Health Center and COMCARE offer the advanced 3D mammography system that can detect breast cancer with greater prevision than conventional mammograms.

Our Hologic ® Genius ™ 3D Mammography ™ exam can find up to 65 percent more invasive breast cancers than 2D mammography alone. It also reduces false positives by 40 percent, and it’s the only mammogram that is FDA-approved as superior for women with dense breast tissue. With this technology’s clarity and accuracy, radiologists can more easily interpret the images and make more precise diagnoses, which can result in a more effective treatment program. 3D mammography is covered by Medicare and many private insurance plans.

Why should I get a Genius™ 3D Mammography™ exam?

The Genius™ exam provides better, earlier breast cancer detection compared to 2D alone. Greater accuracy means better breast cancer detection and a reduced chance of additional screenings. The Genius exam is proven to:

  • Provide better, earlier breast cancer detection.
  • Reduce unnecessary callbacks by up to 40%.
  • Find on average, 20-65% more invasive cancers than conventional mammography alone.

What should I expect during my Genius ™ 3D Mammography ™ exam?

The process of a Genius ™ exam is the same as a conventional 2D exam. The technologist will position you, compress your breast, and take images from the different angles. There’s no additional compression required with the Genius exam, and it only takes a few extra seconds for an exam proven to be more acute.

Who can have a Genius ™ 3D Mammography “TM” exam?

The Genius exam is more accurate for women of all ages, with both dense and non-dense breasts, and the Genius exam is the only mammogram FDA approved as superior for women with dense breasts.

What about radiation?

Genius exams are comparable to a conventional 2D mammogram when using low dose software.

How does the Genius ™ 3D Mammography ™ exam work?

The Genius exam allows doctors to examine your breast tissue layer by layer. So, instead of viewing all of the complexities of your breast tissue in a flat image, as with conventional 2D mammography, fine details are more visible and no longer hidden by the tissue above or below.

A good analogy for the Genius exam is like thinking of the pages in a book. If you look down at the cover you cannot see all of the pages, but when you open it up, you can go through the entire book page by page to see everything between the covers.

The Genius exam consists of a 2D and 3D™ image set, where the 2D image can be either an acquired image or a 2D image generated from the 3D™ image set.